# Instructional Tennis : Kick Serve with Patrick Rafter (also known as the "SPIN Doctor") | Tennis coaching in East Coach and Marine Parade

Instructional Tennis : Kick Serve with Patrick Rafter (also known as the "SPIN Doctor")

Pat Rafter's Spin serve 

Learn Kick Serve with Patrick Rafter
Pat teaches you why the kick serve is the best serve at the recreational level, and why getting the opponent to make contact outside the center of his stringbed is more important than acing him

A consistence Serve 
 Pat explains how he used to struggle with his toss (even as a pro player!) and the changes he made to make it more consistent. Pat then teaches you a simple technique for making sure your toss ends up in the same Place over your head every time

Return of Kick Serve
Master returning the kick, and you could be in the drivers seat not just during your service games, but during your opponents as well.

Serve and Volley

Pat explains the technique he uses to close the net after serving, and why rhythm was so important to him.
He also explains why Pete Sampras’ style of serving and volleying isn’t the best model for a recreational player to follow.
Don’t want to serve and volley? You’ll still be getting plenty of short, weak returns that you can take as a groundstroke. Recreational players HATE handling short balls, and they hate missing those shots even more. Pat’s got you covered by showing you how to close short balls and end points quickly.